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Education and training in Bioethics

The UNESCO Bioethics Centre and the chair has been involved in various activities sicu as

UNESCO Ethics Teacher Training course

The training coverers the following areas: Introduction to the UNESCO Ethics Education Programme and Ethics Teacher Training, Teaching Ethics: approaches and methods, Workshop: exchanging teaching experiences, Classroom communication, Model lesson on how to teach, the discipline of Bioethics, Preparation of teaching and demonstration, Clinical ethics: how to prepare and teach, Research ethics : how to prepare and to teach, Ethics teaching practice, Clinical cases

Bioethics core course

The bioethics course is drawn from the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and covers the following areas: Introduction to bioethics, Human dignity and human rights. Benefit and harm . Autonomy and individual responsibility . Consent , Persons without the capacity to consent .Respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity . Privacy and confidentiality. Equality, justice and equity . Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization . Respect for cultural diversity and pluralism .Solidarity and cooperation. Social responsibility and health . Sharing of benefits. Protecting future generations.Protection of the environment, the biosphere and biodiversity . Ethics of Science and Technology. Contemporary and Emerging issues in Bioethics. Case presentations.

Research ethics training

The chair and the UNESCO Bioethics Centre work closely with the Kenya National Commission for Science and Technology in training research ethics committee. The curriculum focuses on the following areas: Introduction to Research Ethic, Ethical Principles in Research, Composition and Functions of Institutional Ethical Review Committees,Study Designs,Informed Consent, Research Involving Vulnerable Populations, Integrity in Research and Publication,Review Process of Research Proposals, Behavioral and Social Science Research, Monitoring,Community Engagement Ethics, Emerging Issues in Research Ethics,  Quality Improvement of Institutional Ethics Review Committees, Institutional Support of Institutional Ethics Review Committees, Animal Research Ethics as well as contemporary issues in research

Medical ethics

Following research on the existence and functions of hospital ethics committee in Kenya in 2018, the UNESCO Chair and Regional Bioethics ethics has embarked on the sensitization of healthcare facilities in Kenya on the need for Hospital ethics committees. The chair is working closely with the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO and the Ministry of Health and other partners in this initiative.

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