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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
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P. O. Box 536-20115 Egerton

Dr. David Kuria Wamukuru is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management, in the Faculty of Educational and Community Development of Egerton University, Kenya. His area of specialization is Educational Planning and Economics of Education. He Holds a PhD in Economics of Education of Egerton University and Master of Philosophy in Planning and Economics of Education of Maseno University. His Vision is to promote National and Global development through research, teaching, training, networking and capacity building. His Mission is a leading scholar, researcher in promoting national and global development.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Economics of Education of Egerton University - 2011
  • Master of Education in Planning and Economics of Education, Maseno University - 2002
  • Bachelor of Education (Arts), Egerton University – 1995
  • Planning and Economics of Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Economics of Education of Egerton University - 2011
  • Master of Education in Planning and Economics of Education, Maseno University - 2002
  • Bachelor of Education (Arts), Egerton University – 1995


  1. March, 2012 – To the Present: - Senior Lecturer, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management, Egerton University. Kenya.
  2. May, 2015 – March, 2021: - Chair of Department, Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management
  3. September, 2015 – May, 2019: - Co-ordinator, Teacher Education Programmes External Studies and Media
  4. November, 2003 – March 2012: - Lecturer, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management, Egerton University. Kenya
  5. May, 2002 – November, 2003: Graduate Teacher I, Head of Department; Humanities, St. Gerald’s Secondary School, P.O. Box 515, KHAYEGA, Kenya
  6. July 1999 - May, 2002 Graduate Teacher I: St. Francis Secondary School.P.O. Box 798, KHAYEGA, Kenya
  1. February, 1998 - July, 1999: Graduate teacher II: Ekwanda Secondary School. P.O. Box  206 KHAYEGA, Kenya
  1. July 1995 – Feb., 1998 Graduate Teacher II: Mukumu Boys High School. P.O. Box 172, KHAYEGA9.      Jan 1995 – July 1995: Tutor, Elite Professional College.P.O. Box 15 Nyahururu, Kenya


  • 2012 - Present: Senior Lecturer – Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management
  • Teaching of both Undergraduate and Post Graduate Students

Students Academic Advising

  • Supervision of PhD and Masters Level Research Work Coordination of Micro-Teaching Classes
  • Coordination of Educational Seminars by Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
  • Development of e-learning content/Modules
  • Conducting Research and Publication of Research Work
  • Participating in University Activities (Graduations, Open days, Mau Marathon
  • 2019 – 2021: Chair of Department (COD), Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management
  • 2015 – 2019: Coordinator – Teacher Education
  • 2015 – 2019: Coordinator – External studies and Media (Coordinating of UNISA and OUT Progammes)
  • 2013 – 2015: Coordinator – Teaching Practice (Baringo – Koibatek Zone)
  • 2013- 2014: Faculty of Education and Community Studies Representative to Graduate School.
  • 2005 – 2013: Examination Officer, Educational Administration and Planning and Economics (EAPE)
  1. Principal Investigator in CASEOVC Project of the Christian AID funded by USAID which brought Kshs. 6,871,200 in 2019 and 2020.
  2. Co-Principal Investigator for the Nakuru County NARIGP Project worth Ksh. 2,495,000.
  • Educational Planning
  • Economics of Education
  • Educational Equity
  • Efficiency in Education
  • Education Administration and Management

Publication of Books

  1. Gathii, J.K., Wamukuru, D.K., Karanja, D., Muriithi, W., & Maina, K. (2019). Research Methods, Data Analysis & Defences: Building Competences in Education & Social Sciences Research. Nakuru: Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK). ISBN: 978-9966-134-91-2

Publications of Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals

  1. Arimba A,, Wamukuru D., Wachanga S. & Anditi Z. (2024). Effects of Case Based Learning and Regular Teaching Methods on Secondary School Students' Performance in Chemistry in Mara, Tharaka Nithi County. Journal of Education and Practices. Volume 4: Issue No.1 February, 2024 PP 01-10. ISSN 2617-5444
  2. Arimba A,, Wamukuru D., Wachanga S. & Anditi Z. (2022). A Comparison of Case Based Learning, Team Learning and Regular Teaching Methods Influence on Students' Achievement in Chemistry in Mara, Tharaka Nithi County. Journal of Education and Practices. Volume 3: Issue No.2 July, 2022 PP 114-141. ISSN 2617-5444 
  3. Kirui P. K., Wakukuru D.K. & Fedha F. (2021). Influence of School Type on Cost Efficiency in Public Secondary Schools in Bomet County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 10 No. 1 January 2022
  4. Kirui P. K., Wakukuru D.K. & Fedha F. (2021). Moderating Influence of Principals Financial Management Skills on Relationship Between Selected School Characteristics and Cost Efficiency Among Public Secondary Schools in Bomet County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x Volume 11, Issue 5 Ser. V (Sep. – Oct. 2021), 01-05

  5. Kirui P. K., Wakukuru D.K. & Fedha F. (2021). Influence of School Size on Cost Efficiency of Public Secondary Schools in Bomet County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x Volume 11, Issue 5 Ser. V (Sep. – Oct. 2021), 01-05
  6. Kirui P. K., Wakukuru D.K. & Fedha F. (2021). Influence of School Accomodation Status on Cost Efficiency in Public Secondary Schools in Boment County, Kenya. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies. Volume X, Issue x, 2021, ISSN: 2501-8590ISSN-L: 2501-8590,
  7. Kirui P. K., Wakukuru D.K. & Fedha F. (2021). Influence of School Location on Cost Efficiency in Public Secondary Schools in Boment County, Kenya. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies. Volume X, Issue x, 2021, ISSN: 2501-8590ISSN-L: 2501-8590,
  8. Maina J. & Wamukuru D. K. (2021). Influence of Headteachers’ Leadership Style on Pupils’ Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practices. Vol 3 Issue 1. March, 2021. ISSN 2617-5444.
  9. Wamukuru D. K., Maina J. & Koros P. ((2020). Influence of Headteachers’ Management of Pupils’ Discipline on Academic performance in Public Primary Schools in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Research and Methods in Education. Vol.10, Issue 3, Ser. VII, 2020. e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x.
  10. Wamukuru D. K. (2019). Relationship Between Level of Formal Education and Use and Ownership of Hygiene and Sanitation Facilities In Samburu Central, Samburu County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME). Vol 9, Issue 2 Ser. I. e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940.
  11. Wamukuru D. K. (2019). Influence of Pastoralists’ Formal Education Level on Economic Prosperity: A Case Study of Samburu Pastoral Community, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies.Vol.5. Issue 2, 2019. ISSN: 2501-1111. 2337-9238-1-PB.pdf
  12. Wamukuru D. K. & Muthui E. M. (2019). Effectiveness of Student Councils in Conflict Resolutions and Communication in Secondary School Management in Nyeri County, Kenya.. IISTE Journal. Vol.9, No.3, 2019. ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) . 47013-50553-1-PB.pdf
  13. Wamukuru D. K. & Njuguna J. ((2018). Influence of Boys’ Rite of Passage on internal Efficiency in Public Secondary Schools in Narok South Sub-County, Narok County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practices. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2018. ISSN 2617-5444.
  14. Muthui E.M, Muthaa G. M, Barchok K.H & Wamukuru D. K (2018). Influence of Student Councils Participation in Decision Making on Management of Public Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding Secondary Schools, Nyeri County, Kenya. Journal of Education & Social Policy. 5 no. 3. SSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online).
  15. Muthui E.M, Muthaa G. M, Barchok K.H & Wamukuru D. K (2018). Influence of Student Councils Participation in Conflict Resolution on Management of Public Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding Secondary Schools, Nyeri County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.9, No.23, 2018. 44014-47357-1-PB.pdf
  16. Njuguna J., Changeiywo J. & Wamukuru D. K (2018). Perception of Early Marriages on on Internal Efficiency in Public Secondary Schools in Narok South Sub-County, Narok County, Kenya. World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR). Vol.5, Issue 3, 2018. SSN: 2454-8236.
  17. Ngutuku C., Wamukuru D. K. & Changeiywo J. M (2017). Influence of Teachers’ Motivation on Implementation of Life Skills Education in Secondary Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya. International journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge. Vol. 2, Issue 8, 2017. ISSN-2213-1356.
  18. Wamukuru D.K. (2016). Factors influencing the Quality of Early Child Development Education (ECDE) in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE). 2016.
  19. Wamukuru D.K & Orton A. (2016). Wezesha Vijana Case Study: A Girls Education Achievement Initiative Empowering Girls to Create their Future. United Nation Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI). 2016.
  20. Muiruri M, Wambugu P. & Wamukuru D.K. (2016). Using Advanced Organizers to Enhance Pupils Achievement in Learning Poetry in English Language. Journal of Education and 2016. Vol.7, No. 31. 2016.
  21. Wamukuru D. K (2016). Modelling the Effects of teachers demand Factors on Teachers Understaffing in Public secondary Schools in Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol. 7. No.3. 2016.
  22. Wamukuru D. K., Ngware M.W. & Ochola W. O. (2015). Projections of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya. International Research Journal for Quality in Education. Vol 8, No 3, 2016. Vol. 2. No. 7. 2015.
  23. Wamukuru D. K. & Elomoge Y. N. (2015). Influence of In-Service Training (SMASSE) on Teachers Preparedness and Content Delivery in Teaching of Chemistry in Secondary Schools in Wajir County, Kenya. International research Journal for Quality in Education. Vol.12 . No. 2. 2015.
  24. Mbijjiwe J.M., Wamukuru D.K., & Muthaa G. M (2015). Factors Affecting Pupils’ Transition to Secondary School in Meru Central Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE)
  25. Mugo P.N. & Wamukuru D.K. (2015). Factors Influencing Student Retention and Completion Rates in Secondary Schools in Siakago Division, Embu County, Kenya.Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE)
  26. Hamaro M.S. & Wamukuru D.K. (2015). Relationship Bbetween Selected Housing and Socio-Economic Factors and Students Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools in Tana-River County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE
  27. Wamukru D. K. & Muthaa G. M. (2011). Causes of Secondary School Teachers Shortage in kenya. Kenya Journal of educational Planning, economics and management. Volume 3. 2011
  28. Wamukuru D. K., Muthaa GM., & Wanyinyi JK. (2010). Students’ level of awareness of HIV/AIDS and its impact on their sexual behaviour: A study of selected schools in Othaya Division in Kenya. Kenya Journal of educational Planning, Economics and Management. Volume 2. 2010.
  29. Wamukuru DK., Muthaa GM., & Nyaga VK., (2010). Institutional Based Initiatives to Generate Income by Technical Training Institutes in Meru Central district. Kenya Journal of educational Planning, economics and Management. Volume 2. 2010.
  30. Wamukuru D.K., Ochola, W.O. & Ondigi, B.A.. (2008). The impact of the school improvement programmes on students’ achievement and teachers’ effectiveness: A case study of primary schools in Kisumu municipality. Journal of Education and Human Resources. Volume 5 December, 2008.
  31. Wamukuru D.K., Ngware, M.W. & Odebero, S.O. (2006). Total Quality Management (TQM) in Secondary Schools in Kenya: Extent of the Practice. Emerald Journals, Quality Assurance in Education Volume 14.4
  32. Wamukuru D.K., Ochola, W.O. & Kamau C.W. (2006). Challenges facing the implementation of Free Primary Education (FPE) in kenya: A teachers perspective. African Journal of Quality Education. Volume III; 1- 15
  1. Wamukuru D. K. (2024). Influence of Education on adoption of Technology, Innovation and Good Management Practices by Poultry Farmers in Nakuru County. Egerton University 15th Biennial International Conference Held on 
  2. Wamukuru D. K. (2024). Adolescent School Children Thriving in the Ladder of Life in Kieni West Sub-County, Kenya. Educational Management (EMSK) 9th International Research Conference In Collaboration with the Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK), Egerton University & Rift Valley Reading Association (RVRA) Held on 12th &13th October, 2023.
  3. Maina J. & Wamukuru D.K. (2020). Influence of Leadership Style of the Headteacher on Pupils’ Academic Performance in Njoro Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya. Conference Paper Presented During Education And Social Sciences Research Association Of Kenya (ESSRAK) Virtual International Conference Held on 29th Octomber, 2020.
  4. Wamukuru D.K. (2019). Relationship between Education and Poverty Likelihood in Suba North SubCounty, Homa Bay County. Paper Presented During Egerton University Faculty of Education and Community Studies (FEDCOS) And Educational Management Society of Kenya Conference Held on 3rd and 4th October, 2019.
  5. Eustace M. Muthui, David K. Wamukuru & Muriithi D.K.(2019). Influence of Participation of Student Councils in the Management of Public Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding Secondary Schools in Nyeri County, Kenya. Paper Presented During Egerton University Faculty of Education and Community Studies (FEDCOS) And Educational Management Society of Kenya Conference Held on 3rd and 4th October, 2019.
  6. Eustace Murage Muthui, George M. Muthaa, Barchok K. Hillary & David K. Wamukuru (2019). Influence of Participation of Student Councils in Conflict Resolution on Management of Public Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding Secondary Schools, Nyeri County, Kenya. Paper Presented During Machakos University SECnd Annual International Conference, Held on 24th – 26th April, 2019 at Machakos University.
  7. Wamukuru D.K. (2019). Factors affecting the quality of learning in early childhood development education institutions in Nakuru County, Kenya. Paper presented in Egerton International Conference Held on ………… at Egerton University, Njoro. Egerton University Intuitional Repository: Conferences/ Seminars Proceedings.
  8. Wamukuru D. K. (2015). Factors Influencing Quality of Education in Nakuru County, Kenya. Paper Presented During Rift Valley Reading Association Conference in Collaboration with Egeron University. Held at EGErton University, October, 2015
  9. Wamukuru D. K. (2015). Access to Quality Education for Learners with Special Needs in Nakuru County. A Paper Presented to Education Evidence for Action by African Population Reserch and Health Centre on 2nd – 3rd December, 2015.
  10. Wamukuru D. K. (2014). Modelling the Effects of Teacher Demand Factors on Teacher Understaffing in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. Paper Presented During the 8th Egerton University International conference from 26th to 28th March 2014, at Egerton University.
  11. Wamukuru D. K. & Ngaga P. (2014). Factors Affecting Transition of Pupils to Secondary Schools in Meru South Sub-County, Kenya. A conference Paper Presented During the 1st National Conference of Faculty of Education and Community Studies of Egerton university Held on 9th – 10th October 2014, at Egerton University.
  12. Wamukuru D. K. & Hamaro M. (2014). Relationship between selected Household Socio-Economic Factors and Students Academic Schools in Tana River County, Kenya. Paper Presented During the 1st National Conference of Faculty of Education and Community Studies of Egerton university Held on 9th – 10th October 2014, at Egerton University
  13. Wamukuru D. K. (2013). Quality Education in Kenya. Paper Presented During the Educational Management Society of Kenya (EMSK) Conference from 25th to 27th September, 2013. Held at Kabarak Univerity
  14. Wamukuru D. K. (2013). Towards Attainment of University Basic Education in Kenya: Achievements and the Gaps. Paper Presented During the Educational Management Society of Kenya (EMSK) Conference Held from 29th to 31st August, 2012, at Kabarak University.
  15. Wamukuru D. K. (2010). Presented a paper titled: “Efficient Utilization of School Resources: The Relationship between Efficiency and School Size”. Educational Management Society of Kenya Seminar Held at Migori Kenya in April, 201
  16. Wamukuru D. K (2006). Causes of secondary school teachers shortage in Kenya: An Examination of existing policies. Seminar paper on Qualitative research, Presented at Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya in September, 2006.
  1. Certificate of Honor for participating in the establishment of Jomo Kenyatta Boys and Jomo Kenyatta Girls High Schools
  1. Economics of Education
  2. Educational Planning
  3. Educational Administration and Management


  1. Joshua Mburugu Mbimjjiwe (2014)
  2. Yusuf Noor (2014)
  3. Perterson Nyaga Mugo (2015)
  4. Mary Sylvano Hamaro (2015)
  5. William Chepkwony (2016)
  6. James Ngugi Njuguna. EM15/3582/12. M.Ed in Educational Management
  7. Mary N. Muiruri. Reg. No: Em13 /03337/12. M.Ed in Educational Management
  8. Comus Ngutuku . Reg. EM15/1225/10. Ed in Educational Management


  1. Michael Kigotho Thuo. EM15/3197/12. M.Ed in Educational Management
  2. James Maina John. Em15 /3761 /14. M.Ed in Educational Management
  3. Kiplagat Sheila Jepkosgei. Edu – 3 – 7249 – 2/2012. Ed In Leadership
  4. Evans Atei Masira. Edu-35783-2/2011. M.Ed In Leadership
  5. Nehemiah K. Saina. Reg. Em15/1840/07. M.Ed in Educational Management
  6. Alice Kiplagat Reg. No. Em15/2836/10 Ed in Educational Management
  7. Joel K. Kirew, Reg. No: EM15/1199/04. Ed in Educational Management
  8. Gathu A. Gathoni. Reg No: Em15/2980/10. Ed in Educational Management
  9. Maina E. Chelang’at. Reg No: Em15/2990/10. M.Ed in Educational Management
  10. Mary Gachio. EM15/3235/12. Ed in Educational Management

List of PhD Students Supervised to Graduation

  1. Eustice Muthui Murage PHD in Educational Management - (Chuka University, 2018)
  2. Beatrice Nyakan– PHD in Educational Management - (Kissii University, 2018)
  3. Antony M. Arimba - PHD Science Education (Egerton University, 2024)

PhD Students Currently Under My Supervision

  1. Billy Kirui – PHD Educational Management - (Egerton University)
  2. Santosh Devaraj – PHD – Educational Management (Open University of Tanzania-OUT)
  1. Life Member, Egerton University Alumni Association
  2. Member, Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK).
  3. Member, Educational Management Society of Kenya (EMSK).
  4. Member, International Literacy Association
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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"