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 Prof Ogweno is Associate professor of horticulture and currently the Director of Confucius Institute at Egerton University.The Confucius institute has  a mandate of teaching Chinese language and culture and a centre for transferring appropriate Agricultural Technology from China to Kenya.


2003- 2006: PhD in Horticulture, Zhejiang University, China

1995-1996: MSc Horticulture, Anglia Polytechnic University-U.K

1990-1993: B.Sc. Horticulture, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja Kenya

1981-1984: Diploma in Horticulture, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

1973-1976: East African Certificate of Secondary Education, Oriwo High School

1966-1972                   Kenya Certificate of Primary Education-Sindo Primary School


Prof Ogweno has wealth of experience as a lecturer in horticulture, specializing in vegetable production, plant stress physiology, seed science,  and consultancy services focusing on: Vegetable production systems, Seed systems, quality of Vegetables, plant stress physiology, Floriculture and other areas in horticulture including vegetable production in greenhouse, use of botanicals in pest management and certification for organic production of horticultural crops. I have been involved in projects that has assisted farmers to produce their seeds, linked them to the markets, increase in yields and reduction of the post- harvest losses. Over the past decade, Prof Ogweno has served as a consultant in Rwanda and Kenya as horticulturist in assisting the countries  to enhance both the quality and quantity of their horticultural exports to Europe and other African countries.

  1. December 11-2019-January 14 -2020 (Four weeks) Advanced course on Vegetable Production and Biotechnology in Nanjing Agricultural University, China.
    April 25th to 27th2018 – Workshop on: Preparation of Short Courses Modules (CESAAM Project); Egerton University.
  2. July 8th to July 16th 2 2017 attended an in service training workshop for Confucius Institute Directors at Beijing Normal University, China.
  3. September 19thto 20th2017 - Community Engagement and Experiential Learning Staff Retooling Workshop  (TAGDEV Project); Egerton University.
  4. May 9th to May 13th 2015-Attended a workshop on Tracer Studies at St Augustine University, Mwanza Sponsored By DAAD.
  5. May - June 1999 (six weeks): Profession Development Course – University College Writtle (UK).
  6. May to June 2011: Visiting Lecturer (Horticulture) – Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (ISAE) – Rwanda.
  7. May to June 2010: Visiting Lecturer (Horticulture) – Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (ISAE) – Rwanda.
  8. September 2001 to August 2002 Senior Scholar at Nanjing Agricultural University China.

  1. March 2015-Present: Associate Professor of Horticulture & Director Confucius Institute.Supervision of Post graduate students
  2. Teaching both undergraduate and Post graduate students Horticultural production courses and carrying out research in Vegetable Science, application of plant extracts in crop protection at Egerton University.
  3. May 201-March 2015: Senior Lecturer, Supervision of Post graduate students, Teaching both undergraduate and Post graduate students and carrying out Research on vegetables and other areas of horticulture at Egerton University
  4. July 2006-2010: Lecturer, Supervision of Post graduate students, Teaching both undergraduate and Post graduate students and carrying out Research on vegetables and other areas of horticulture at Egerton University
  5. June 1997-2006: Assistant Lecturer, Teaching   undergraduate students, horticultural courses at Egerton University
  6. August 1988-1997: Senior Technologist Conducting Practicals for both Undergraduate and Post Graduate students at Egerton University
  7. April 1984-1988: Horticultural Crops Officer Advisory services Ministry of Agriculture, Kilifi, Kenya

  1. 2024-2025 Empowering Rural Youth through innovative horticultural solutions in Tomato Value Chain  In Nakuru County  supported by IFAD.  Bacterial Wilt has reduced tomato production in Kenya Significantly.Grafting tomato scions, or tops, onto disease-resistant eggplant or tomato rootstocks prevents disease. Vegetable grafting is a widely practiced technology in many countries in Asia and Europe, but it is relatively unknown in Africa. In this project grafting technique will be used to control Bacterial Wilt in tomato grown both in the field and greenhouse in Nakuru County. The main objective of the project is to foster a sustainable tomato value chain and improve the livelihoods of rural youth and women through transferring innovative horticultural technologies and promoting market access and business linkages for young farmers and farmers’ organizations in Kenya. The cost of the project  is US Dollars 95,000  and the team is composed of, Prof Joshua O Ogweno, Prof Liu Yutao, Prof Liu Gaoqiong, Prof Richard Mulwa, and  Dr Oscar Ingasia.
  2. 2023-2023  Contracted by National Museums of Kenya (NMK) to Carry out a  Feasibility study to investigate and provide an in-depth analysis of the commercial viability of Indigenous Wild Fruits (IWF) in Kenya. The study covered fifteen (15) species of IWF including; Adansonia digitata (Baobab), Annona senegalensis (African custard apple), Physalis peruviana (goose berries), Solanum lycopersicum (cherry tomatoes), Tamarindus indica (tamarind) and Syzygium cordatum (water berry), Berchemia discolor (bird plum), Hyphaene compressa (Doum palm), Carissa spinarum (Natal plum), Sclerocarya birrea (marula), Garcinia livingstonei (African mangosteen), Vitex payos (black plum), Diospyros mespiliformis (Jackal berry), Cordia angustifolia (Grey-leaved saucer berry) and Givotia gosai (kukupe), in Mombasa, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Kwale, Makueni, Kitui, Machakos, Tharaka Nithi, Garissa, Wajir and Nairobi Counties. The cost of consultancy was Kshs 6,641,515 and the team was composed of Dr Oscar Ingasia, Prof Joshua O Ogweno, Prof Richard Mulwa, Prof Joshua Ogendo and Peter Ayieka.
  3. 2021-2022 Contracted by International Finance Corporation (IFC) to  develop of centres of excellence in Crop Production for Twiga Farms Ltd. The grant is to help establish 14 farms as centre of excellence in crop production for the following crops Onions, Tomato, Watermelons, Potato and Banana, for contracted Twiga Farms.Source of Funding International Finance Corporation (IFC) Subsidiary of World Bank to the tuneof  Kshs 30 Million. Team Members Prof Ogweno J. O Lead Consultant, Prof R.S Mulwa, Prof George Owuor, Prof Arnold Opiyo, Prof Samuel Nyalala, Dr Jane Nyaanga, Dr Raphael Wambua, Dr Oscar Ingasia and Dr Agnes Nkurumah.
  4. 2018-2021: African Development Bank Grant for Capacity Building for Tertiary Institutions. The grant is to support 37 students for Post 012-2014: Grant number- RU/2012/GRG-78 -Botanical pesticides for bio-control of spider mites and anthracnose in French beans: A case of smallholder farmers in Kenya. Source of funding- Ruforum to the tune of US$59,996. (Team, Prof Ogweno J. O and Dr Nyaanga G. J). The studies identified the potential of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L (Lions ear and African Basil) extracts in the management of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae (Adult two spotted spider mites) and Ascochyta blight disease on French beans, under small holder production in Kenya:
  5. 2011-2014 Accession collection, Characterization and Horticultural management studies of spider plant (Cleome gynandra) for improvement of livelihood in Kenya. Source of funding –Egerton University, total amount Kshs 400,000. (Team members Prof Ogweno J O and Prof Mulwa RSM). We have collected and morphologically characterized 37 landraces of Cleome gynandra from most parts of the country. Currently we are in the process of developing a variety through single seed/pod descent.
  6. 2011-2013 Enhancing Production, Value addition and Marketing of Indigenous vegetables (Cowpeas, Spider plant, nightshades, amaranth, pumpkins) French beans and mushroom among small holders farmers in Kenya. (Pumkins component). Source of Funding KAPAP, total amount Kshs 3,337,326. (Team members Prof D K Isutsa,   Prof Ogweno J O, Dr Saidi Mwanaharusi).We are developing, upscaling and disseminating appropriate technologies for the production of these African leafy Vegetables.


 Improvement and Characterization of indigenous vegetables, Nutrition and quality of exotic vegetables.

Use of plant extracts in crop ptotection of vegetables, Environmental stress management in vegetables.

Biochemical studies on growth habits of curcubits and Biofortification of  curbubits (Cucumber).

Plant stress physiology-High temperature stress in vegetables




1. Mutimarugo M C.,  Ogweno J O.,  Wagara N I.,  Muhinyuza J B.,  Habimana S.,  Mukamuhirwa A ., (2023)  Biological Control of Potato Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) Using  Selected Plant Extracts  Journal of Horticultural Research 2023, vol. 31(2): 115–126 DOI:10.2478/johr-2023-0031

2.Mutua,C.M  Gesimba, R.M and  Ogweno, J. O (2023). Flower abortion of pepino melon (Solanum muricatum Ait.) as influenced by NPK fertilizer rates and growing environment Advanced Journal of Plant Biology Volume 4(2), pages 21-32, April 2023 Article Number: E4D5F9B02

3.Obel, H.O.; Cheng, C.; Tian, Z.; Njogu, M.K.; Li, J.; Du, S.; Lou, Q.; Zhou, J.; Yu, X.; Ogweno, J.O.; and Chen, J. F (2022). Transcriptomic and Physiological Analyses Reveal Potential Genes Involved in Photoperiod-Regulated β-Carotene Accumulation Mechanisms in the Endocarp of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 12650. ijms232012650

4.Shikoli E.M., Ogweno J .O., Saidi M., &Obuoro F.W., (2022). Effect of Bunching onion crude extract concentrations and irrigation levels on quality on quality of tomato. E.Afri.Agri For J (2022, volume 88(2), Pg99-107).

5.Hesbon Ochieng Obel, Chunyan Cheng, Ying Li, Zhen Tian, Martin Kagiki Njogu, Ji Li, Qunfeng Lou, Xiaqing Yi, Zhengan Yang, Joshua Otieno Ogweno and Jinfeng Chen, (2022). Genome-Wide Identification of the B-Box Gene Family and Expression Analysis Suggests Their Potential Role in Photoperiod-Mediated β-Carotene Accumulation in the Endocarp of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit. Genes 2022, 13, 658.

 6.Hesbon Ochieng Obel, Chunyan Cheng, Zhen Tian, Ji Li, Qunfeng Lou, Xiaqing Yu,Yuhui Wang, Joshua Otieno Ogweno and Jinfeng Chen. (2022). Molecular Research Progress on Xishuangbanna Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. Xishuangbannesis Qi et Yuan): Current Status and Future Prospects. Agronomy 2022, 12, 300.

7.Ngelenzi Munywoki, Mwanarusi Saidi & Joshua Otieno Ogweno (2022). Improving Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Growth and Yield of Tomato Using Fresh Manure and Agronet Cover. Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 14, No. 6; 2022.

8.James Ngelenzi Munywoki , Joshua Otieno Ogweno and Mwanarusi Saidi (2022).Integrated Management of Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne Spp.) Using Fresh Organic Manure and Crotalaria brevidens Intercrop for Improved Growth and Yield of Tomato. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34(4): 64-75, 2022. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2022/v34i430859

9.Shikoli, Edinah. Musenya.,Ogweno, Joshua Otieno, MwanarusiSaidi and Wayua, FrancisObuoro. (2021) Allium fistulosum Crude Extract and Optimum Irrigation Levels as Alternative Management Option of Tomato Bacterial Wilt in Greenhouse. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) Volume 14, Issue 9 Ser. I (September 2021), PP 47-56. DOI: 10.9790/2380-1409014756

10.Kanyarukiga J.R.N.,Li Yuan.,Kampogo R.C., Nyinawamwiza L., Mutandwa E., Hongsheng Z., Ogweno J.O., & Yao Hong (2021). Enhancing applicable technologies for sustainable Agriculture in Rwanda.Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House China and KF TRUST Agribusiness Ltd (Scientific Publishing), Rwanda

11.Carol Mwende Mutua.,Joshua OtienoOgweno and Robert MorwaniGesimba (2021)Effect of NPK Fertilizer Rates on Growth and Yield of Field and Greenhouse Grown Pepino Melon (Solanum muricatumAiton)Journal of Horticulture and Plant ResearchVol. 13, pp 10-23doi:10.18052/

12.C. Mutua, R. Gesimba, &J. Ogweno, (2021)­ Postharvest quality of Pepino melon (Solanum muricatumAiton) as Influenced by NPK fertilizer rates, growing environment and storage temperature. ­ Adv. Hort. Sci., 35(1): 21­32. DOI: 10.13128/ahsc­9945.

13.Carol MwendeMutua, Joshua OtienoOgweno and Robert MorwaniGesimba (2021) Effect of NPK fertilizer rates on secondary metabolites of pepino melon (Solanum muricatumAiton) Journal of Horticulture and Forestry Vol. 13(1), pp. 25-34, January-March 2021 DOI: 10.5897/JHF2020.0657

14.Stella JeronoKeter.,Samuel Nyalala., Joshua Ogweno (2020) Biofumigation Efficacy of Spider Plant (Cleome gynandraL.) Accessions on Nematode Control in Tuberose (PolianthestuberosaL.) NASS Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | July 2020.DOI:

15.M.C. Mutimawurugo, J.O. Ogweno, J.B. Muhinyuza and I.N. Wagara (2020)In vitro antibacterial activity of selected plant extracts against potato bacterial wilt (Ralstoniasolanacearum Smith) in Rwanda Journal of Applied Horticulture, 2020, 22(3), 202-208. DOI: 

16.Martin Kagiki Njogu., Fan Yang. Ji Li1.,Xueyan Wang.,Joshua Otieno Ogweno., and · Jinfeng Chen (2020) A novel mutation in TFL1 homolog sustaining determinate growthin cucumber (CucumissativusL.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2020) 133:3323–3332. 

17.P.C. Otieno , R.M.S. Mulwa, and J. OtienoOgweno Management of root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.) And enhancing growth yield of greenhouse producedtomatoes by using fresh plant derivedsoil amendments (2020). Advances in Horticultural Science: 2020 34(4): 357-372 DOI: 10.13128/ahsc9425.

18. M. C. Mutimawurugo., I. N. Wagara., J. B. Muhinyuza and J. O. Ogweno (2019) Virulence and characterization of isolates of potato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) in Rwanda. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 14(6), pp. 311-320, 7 February, 2019

19. Munywoki James Ngelenzi1, Ogweno Joshua Otieno&SaidiMwanarusi (2019) Improving Water Use Efficiency and Insect Pest Exclusion on French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Using Different Coloured Agronet Covers.Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 11, No. 3; 2019.

20. Kennedy Ogayo, Jane Nyaanga, Joshua OtienoOgweno& Joshua Ogendo (2019)The Effect of Lion’s Ear (Leonotisnepetifolia) and African Basil (Ocimumgratissimum) Plant Extracts on Two-Spotted Spider Mites (Tetranychusurticae) for Improved Yield and Quality of French Beans. Advances in Entomology, 2019, 7, 21-31

21.Peter Otieno, Richard Mulwa, Joshua OtienoOgweno& Elisha Gogo. (2017). Effect of Amending Soil with Lippiaand OcimumSpecies Biomass on Postharvest Quality of Greenhouse Tomatoes. African Journal of Horticultural Sciences (June 2017) 12:16-29. 

22.Munywoki James Ngelenzi, Saidi Mwanarusi &Ogweno Joshua Otieno (2017) Improving French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Pod Yield and Quality Through The Use of Different Agrocoloured Nets. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 6, No. 1; 2017.

 23. Martin Maluki, Joshua Ogweno& Robert MorwaniGesimba (2016). Evaluation of Nitrogen Effects on Yield and Quality of Watermelon{Citrulluslanatus(Thunb.) Matsumara&Nakai} Grown in the Coastal Regions of Kenya.International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 9 (2): 1-8, 2016.

24. Carol M. Mutua., Richard S. Mulwa&Joshua O. Ogweno (2015). NPK Fertilization and Deflowering Increases Leaf Yield and Extends the Vegetative Phase of Cleome gynandraL. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 8(6): 1-8, 2015.

25Maluki, M., Gesimba, R.M. &Ogweno, J.O. (2015). Evaluation of interaction effects of nitrogen and phosphorous on yield and quality of watermelon {citrullus lanatus (thunb.) matsumara & nakai} International Journal of Science and Nature, VOL.6 (2) 2015: 188-194

26.Ogayo K.O., Ogweno J.O., Nyaanga J.G., Ogendo J.O., Wagara I.N., Ochola S.O. (2015). Bioactivity of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum extracts in management of Tetranychus urticae Koch on French beans. Global Journal of Bio-science& Biotechnology (GJBB), Vol. 4[3] July, 2015.

27. Ochola, S.O., Ogendo, J.O.,Wagara, I.N., Ogweno, J.O., Nyaanga, J. G.,Ogayo, K.O. (2015). Antifungal activity of methanol extracts of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. against Ascochyta blight (Phoma exigua) on French bean. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, 9 (1): 27-3.ISBN 1819-1541/ DOI: 10.3923/ajppaj.2015.27.32.

28. Mulwa, R.M.S., Ogendo, J.O. and Ogweno, J.O. (2015) Spider Plant: A nutritive African vegetable for Kenya. Spider Plant Sub-Project at Egerton University; Kenya Agricultural Productivity Program. 9p.

29. Mwaura M. M., Isutsa D K., Ogweno J O., & Kasina M (2014). Interactive effects of Irrigation rate and Leaf harvesting intensity on Edible leaf and fruit Yields of Multipurpose Pumkin (Curcubita moschata Duchesne).International Journal of Science And Nature, Vol 5 (2) 2014:199-204.

30. Ng’etich O.K., Aguyoh, J.N. &Ogweno, J. O. (2014).The effects of integrated application of farmyard manure and calcium ammonium nitrate on growth and yield attributes of African nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Science (ISSN: 2321 – 1571) Volume 02 – Issue 02, April 2014. 26.Wen-Hai Wu., Xiao-Long Yan., Yi-AN Xiao., Jian-Jun Zeng., Hui-Juan Qi., Joshua Otieno Ogweno (2013). Epibrassinosteroids Alleviate Drought Induced Inhibition of Photosynthesis in Capsicum annum.Scientia Horticulturae 150 (2013) 232-237.

31.Ng’etich O.K., A N Niyokuri., J J Rono., A Fashaho., J O Ogweno (2013). Effects of DifferentRates Of NitrogenFertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Zucchini (Curcubita pepo Cv Diamant L) Hybrid F1in Rwanda High Altitude Zone.

32. Ng’etich O.K., Aguyoh, J.N. &Ogweno, J. O. (2012)   Growth, yield and physiological responses of spider plant (Cleome gynandra L.) to calcium ammonium nitrate rates International journal of Agronomy and Plant Production. Vol., 3 (9), 346-355, 2012.

33. Ng’etich O.K., Aguyoh, J.N. &Ogweno, J. O. (2012) Effects of composted farmyard manure on growth and yield of Spider plant (Cleome gynandra).International journal of Science and Nature, Vol (3)512-520.

34. Golam Jalal Ahammed, Chun-Juan Gao, Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Yan-Hong Zhou, Xiao-Jian Xia, Wei-Hua Mao, Kai Shi, Jing-Quan Yu (2012) Brassinosteroids induce plant tolerance against phenanthrene by enhancing degradation and detoxification in Solanum lycopersicum L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 80:28-36.

 35. K.M. Zhang, X.M. Wang, J.X. Cui, J.O. Ogweno, K. Shi, Y.H. Zhou and J.Q. Yu (2011). Characteristics of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in red and green leaves of Begonia semperflorens. Biologia Plantarum 55 (2): 361-364, 2011.

36. Golam Jalal Ahammed, Hui-Li Yuan, Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Yan-Hong Zhou, Xiao-Jian Xia, Wei-Hua Mao, Kai Shi, Jing-Quan Yu (2011) Brassinosteroid alleviates phenanthrene and pyrene phytotoxicity by increasing detoxification activity and photosynthesis in tomato Chemosphere 86(5):546-55. 

37. Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Kai Shi, Xing-Shun song, Wen- Hai Hu Yan Hong Zhou, Jing   Quan Yu (2010). Photoinhibition –induced reduction in photosynthesis is alleviated by abscisic acid, cytokinin and brassinosteroids in detached tomato leaves. Journal of Growth Regulation. 60:175-182.

38. Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Xing-Shun song, Wen- Hai Hu, Kai Shi, Yan Hong Zhou, Jing   Quan Yu (2009). Detached leaves of tomato differ in their photosynthetic physiological response to moderate high and low temperature stress. Scientia Horticulturae 123: 17-22.

39. Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Xing Shun Song, Kai Shi, Wen Hai Hu, Wei Hua Mao, Yan Hong Zhou, JingQuanYuand Salvador Nogués (2008) BrassinosteroidsalleviateHeatinducedinhibition of Photosynthesisbyincreasingcarboxylationefficiency and enhancingantioxidantsystems in Lycopersiconesculentum. Journal of PlantGrowthRegulation. 27: 41-57.

40.Shi Kai, Hu Wen Hai, Dong Dekun, Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Xing-Shun song, Yan Hong Zhou, Jing   Quan Yu (2006). Effects of root restriction on plant growth,root respiration, activities of H+-ATPase and H+-PPase in tomato seedlings.Acta Horticulturae Sinica; 2006, 33 (4) 853-855. September 2006.

41.Joshua Otieno Ogweno and Jing Quan Yu (2006) Autotoxic potential in soil sickness: A re-examination. Allelopathy Journal 18(1): 93-102.

42. Li-Yun Zou, Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Yao Sun, Kai Shi, Yan Hong Zhou and Jing Quan Yu (2006) Autotoxic potential of root exudates and associated phenolics in watermelon. Athelopathy Journal 18 (1):103-110.

43. Song XS,. Hu WH,. Mao WH,. Ogweno J O,.  Zhou Y H.,  & Yu J Q,. (2006). The response of antioxidant enzymes in cellular organelles in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) leaves to methyl viologen- induced photo-oxidative stress. Plant Growth Regulation 49 (1):85-93.

44.Song XS, Tiao CL, Shi K, Mao WH, Ogweno JO, Zhou YH and Yu JQ (2005) Response of ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes and ascorbate regeneration system to abiotic stresses in Cucumis sativus L. Plant physiology and Biochemistry 43:1082-1088. 


    1. Carol M. Mutua, Robert M. Gesimba and Joshua O. Ogweno. (2022). Flower abortion of pepino melon (Solanum muricatum Ait.) as influenced by NPK fertilizer rates and growing environment. China-Kenya Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Crop Molecular Biology Conference held on 20th December, 2022- Virtual.
    2. Carol M. Mutua, Joshua, O. Otieno and Robert, M. Gesimba. (2021). Effect of NPK fertilizer rates on secondary metabolites of field and greenhouse grown pepino melons (Solanum muricatum Ait.). 2022 Annual Students Workshop of the Belt and Joint Laboratory Sino-Kenya Joint Lab Initiative on Crop Molecular Biology and Crop Production Conference held on 15th December, 2021- Virtual.
    3. James Ngelenzi Munywoki,Mwanarusi Saidi & Joshua Otieno Ogweno (2021). Presented a paper titled:   Improving carbon dioxide (co2) concentration, growth and yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicuml.) using fresh organic manure and agronet cover. In: Kibabii University 5th international conference 15th – 16th June, 2021, Kibabii University, Bungoma Kenya pp 20-21 (Book of abtracts 14.06.21pdf)
    4. Carol M. Mutua, Joshua O. Ogweno and Robert M. Gesimba. (2021). Micronutrient and Vitamin C content of pepino melon (Solanum muricatum Ait.) as influenced by NPK fertilizer rates and growing environment. An oral presentation during The 12th Biennial Africa Farm Management Association (AFMA) Congress held on 21st to 25th November 2021 at Panari Hotel, Nairobi.
    5. Carol M. Mutua, Joshua O. Ogweno and Robert M. Gesimba (2021). Micronutrient and Vitamin C content of pepino melon (Solanum muricatum Ait.) as influenced by NPK fertilizer rates and growing environment. An oral presentation during the Early Career Research Leader Fellowship (ECRLF) blended worshop and conference held on 6th to 8th July, 2021 at Laikipia University, Nyahururu.
    6. Mutua C. M., Mulwa R.M. S. and Ogweno J. O. Morphological characterization of 36 spider plant (Cleome gynandra L.) ecotypes. An oral presentation during the 9th Egerton University Conference held on 25th to 27th March, 2015 at Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Kenya.
    7. Mutua C. M., Mulwa R. M. S. and Ogweno J. O. Effect of Different Levels of NPK Fertilizer and Deflowering on Leaf Yield and Extension of the Vegetative Phase of Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.). An oral presentation during the 8th Egerton University Conference and Expo held on 26th to 28th March, 2014 at Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Kenya.
    8. Richard M. S. Mulwa, Joshua O. Ogweno and Carol M. Mutua. (2017). Presented a paper titled: Fertilizer and deflowering effect on growth, leaf yield and harvest period of spider plant (Cleome gynandra). In: Proceedings of the KAPAP CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference. 10th – 12th June, KALRO Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya pp 130 - 133.
    9. J.O. Ogendo, K.O. Ogayo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga and Ochola S.O. (2017). Presented paper titled: Bio efficacy of selected plant extracts against two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in French beans. 2nd International Conference on Pesticidal Plants, February 6-9, 2017, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
    10. 10.Otieno P C., Mulwa R M S.,Ogweno J O (2016). Presented a paper titled: Emerging solutions to nematode and plant nutrition challenges in greenhouse tomato production. A paper Presented at Chuka University Conference, 29th -31st October 2014.
    11. Mutua C.M., Ogweno J.O., Mulwa R.M.S. (2015). Presented a paper titled: Effects of different levels of NPK fertilizer and deflowering on leaf yield and extension of the vegetative phase of spider plant (Cleome gynandra L). A paper presented at Egerton University conference, 26th -28th March 2014.
    12. S O Ochola, J O Ogendo, I N Wagara, J O Ogweno, J G Nyaanga and K O Ogayo (2015). Presented a paper titled: Effect of methanol extracts of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. on the incidence and severity of Ascochyta Blight (Phoma exigua) on French bean. Proc. The 9th Egerton University International Conference, March 25-27, 2015.
    13. Ogendo J O, Ogweno, J O, Nyaanga J, Wagara J, Ochola S O, Ogayo K O (2014). Presented a paper titled: Indigenous Knowledge practices For Production and Management Of Spider mites and Anthracnose in Small holder French Bean Farmers in Nakuru, Kenya. A paper presented at Egerton University conference 26th -28th March 2014. S.O.
    14. Ochola, J.O. Ogendo, I.N. Wagara, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, and K.O. Ogayo. 2014. Presented a paper titled: In vitro evaluation of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. plant extracts against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Proc. 4th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 21st – 25th July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. Research Summary pp 511-514.
    15. J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O..Ogayo and S.O. Ochola (2014) Presented a paper titled: Indigenous knowledge practices for production and management of spider mites and anthracnose in smallholder French bean farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. 4th RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conf. 21-25 July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. pp: 651-655.
    16. K.O. Ogayo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, J.O. Ogendo, I.N. Wagara. and S.O. Ochola (2014) Presented a paper titled: Bio efficacy of lion’s ear and African basil extracts in management of adult two-spotted spider mite on French beans. Proc. 4th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 21st – 25th July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. Research Summary pp 199-203.
    17.  Mwaura, M. M, D. K. Isutsa, J. O. Ogweno and M. Kasina (2013). Presented a paper titled: Irrigation and leaf harvest intensity significantly affect growth and yields of dual-purpose pumpkin. A paper presented at mount Kenya university international research and innovation conference at safari park hotel on august 28th to-30th August 2013.
    18.  OtienoP.C. Ogweno J O and Mulwa R M.S (2012). Presented a paper titled: Effects of fresh plant derived soil amendments on the management of Root Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne sp) in Greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill) production. A paper presented at Horticultural Association of Kenya, Annual Conference At Meru university Of Science and Technology.
    19. Joshua Otieno Ogweno Jing Fen Chen (2009) Gynandropsis Gynandra has 32 Chromosomes. A paper presented to the annual conference of the Horticulture Association of Kenya, held at Africa Vegerable Research Institute, Tengeu Arusha, Tanzania, 2nd –5th December 2009.
    20. Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Yan Hong Zhou, Jing   Quan Yu (2008). Presented a paper titled: Photoinhibition –induced reduction in photosynthesis is alleviated by abscisic acid, cytokinin and brassinosteroids in detached tomato leaves. A paper presented to the annual conference of the Horticulture Association of Kenya, held at Masinde Muliro University of agriculture and Technology, Kakamega, December 2008.
    21. Joshua Otieno Ogweno, Yan Hong Zhou, Jing   Quan Yu (2006) Presented a paper titled: Changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and photosynthesis in detached leaves of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill after exposure to different temperatures-A paper presented to the annual conference of the Horticulture Association of Kenya, held at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Mtwapa, December 2006.




 Teaching areas include horticultural courses both for the undegraduate and post graduate students in horticulture and other related courses. For post graduate students teaching areas include Plant Physiology, Plant Stress Physiology, Advanced Vegetable Science and Seed Science, whereas for the under graduate students the couses include, Principles and Practices of Horticulture, Exotic vegetables, Indigenous Vegetables, Herbs and Spices, Plant Propagation, Organic Production of Horticultural crops, Crop production in Controlled atmosphere(Greenhouse Production of Crops)  Principles of Plant Biotechnonology and Horticultura crops Seed Production.




        1. Onesmus Ngetich

        2. Kennedy Obuya; Msc Horticulture

         3. James Ngelenzi; Msc Horticultur

         4. Margret Mwaura; Msc Horticulture

         5. Carol Mtua; Msc Horticulture

         6.Caleb Otieno; MscHorticulture

         7.Martin Maluki; Msc Horticulture

         8. Stella Keter Msc Horticulture

        9. Stella Keter; MSc Horticulture

        10. Ednah Shikoli Msc  Horticulture


Ongoing Supervision 

  1. Stella Ajok ;  Msc Horticulture
  2. Kepher Kweya; Msc Horticulture
  3. Contantine Otieno Msc Horticulture




  1. Martin Njogu; PhD, Horticulture       
  2. Maria Chantal; PhD, Horticulture
  3. James Ngelenzi; PhD Horticulture
  4. Hesborne Obel: PhD Horticulture
  5. Carol Mwende Mtua


  1. Member, Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK)
  2. Member, International Society of Horticultural Sciences (ISHS)
  3. Member, Society for Economic Botany

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